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Tips for Exercising at Home

wellness Jun 11, 2020
Exercise is vital to our cardiovascular health, mental health, weight loss goals, and much more. While we may not be able to go to the gym, this does not mean that we need to give up on our exercise goals. In fact, many of us will actually have more time to prioritize these goals that we have been saying we are too busy for!
1. Walk Outside Every Day
Setting this goal right away will help you make it a habit. Outdoor walks are a great way to break up the day while working from home. Additionally, the Vitamin D from the sunlight can help boost your mood!
2. Create a Workout Schedule
Making a schedule of when you will workout and what you will do ahead of time significantly increases the likelihood that you will follow through with this goal. Try to workout at the same time each day to build a sustainable habit. There is no bad time to exercise, but getting it done first thing in the morning tends to be the most successful.
3. Use Free Resources
Here are some well known fitness channels with free workout videos on YouTube: Pop Sugar Fitness, Blogilates, Yoga with Adriene, HASfit, Fitness Blender, Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home, The Fitness Marshall
Highly recommended FREE app: FitOn. It contains hundreds of different workouts for any level.
4. Designate a Workout Spot
Find a space in your house that you will use to exercise. It doesn't matter how big or small it is. Set it up so that you know when you are there, you are in the zone. The same way you feel when you walk into a gym!
5. Anything is Better Than Nothing
Even if all you have time for is a few jumping jacks and some pushups, DO IT! Slow motion is always better than no motion. Don't let the all or nothing mentality stop you from moving!